Рейтинг: 70%

На основании 1 студенческих отзывов.
"Grupales son muy ineguales... "

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Оценка   70%
  Очень плохо Плохо Средний Хороший Отлично  
Услуги 80%
Местоположение 80%
Развлечения 80%
Преподавание 40%

Отзывы Студентов о Academia Uruguay

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1 отзывы
Grupales son muy ineguales...
Ответ от Academia Uruguay: Dear Rosalie, thank you for your comment. It is true that our students have different personalities and learning styles. That is something we cannot influence and is a potential risk in group classes, even if limited by the small class size of maximum 6 students. Most students enjoy the differences, but I can understand that it can be frustrating at times for fast learners. However, objectively speaking, you were placed in the correct group (according to your skill level) and according to your written evaluation were 100% happy with your teacher. The only way to manage the risk of different learning speeds is to go one-on-one and opt for private classes. That has always been an option and would also have been an option for you, had you communicated the desire to change to our academic coordinator. Please get in touch with us by mail to see if there is anything we can do to make up for your experience. Best regards, Federico, Director

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