Рейтинг: 97%

На основании 2 студенческих отзывов.
"I have spent 3 months in this great school located in Bilbao downtown, Accredited by Cervantes Insti..."

Ниже размещены обзоры студентов, которые учились в Instituto Hemingway

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Оценка   97%
  Очень плохо Плохо Средний Хороший Отлично  
Услуги 90%
Местоположение 100%
Развлечения 100%
Преподавание 100%

Отзывы Студентов о Instituto Hemingway

Отзывы отсортированы по языку и дате. Максимум 25 комментариев на страницу

2 отзывы
Last January I took a 12 week course at Instituto I had the time of my life there! Apart from the obvious amazing food and culture that I enjoyed, my Spanish classes were definitely the highlight! Ederra was my teacher and he was so helpful. I started at a low intermediate level and, although I felt my reading and writing was ok, I struggled with speaking and understanding “real” Spanish. He spoke so clearly though and was always happy to repeat if I didn’t understand something.

I have spent 3 months in this great school located in Bilbao downtown, Accredited by Cervantes Institute and with 17 years of experience teaching Spanish. I had such an awesome experience that I have returned for another 4 weeks.The classes are amazing, as well as all the teachers I met! The teacher's made the classes very productive and fun. Mondays to Fridays free leisure activities too. I never met such a fantastic School at a very reasonable price!! I highly recommend it to anybody.

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