The advanced – beginner level

Euroccl, Амман, Иордания

Общий Арабский 20 уроков в неделю

Название курса
The advanced – beginner level
Часов курс
09:00 - 12:45
Дней курса
Пн, Вт, Ср, Чт, Вс
Административный сбор
46,17 € tooltip
Продолжительность занятия
Сертификат об окончании курса
Минимальный возраст
Среднее количество студентов в классе
Материалы курса
23,08 € Обязательно и не включены tooltip

Уровни: Ниже Среднего - Уровень A2

Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script.
Carrying out 4-5 orders.
Earning the skill of distinguishing by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and wrong expressions according to the paragraph.
Carrying out special orders related to facts.
Listening to a short spoken script then conveying the mentioned data in a different style (table, descriptive form…)

Reading paragraphs (2-3 sentences), then answering yes/no questions and other related questions.
Reading short paragraphs (2-3 sentences) then setting right concluded expressions.
Reading and explaining data in a table or a descriptive form.
Dictating and reading a story.

Speaking and oral interaction:
Answering some questions and presenting some data after listening to a script.
Composing 2-3 sentences about familiar topics.
Composing a number of connected sentences about a picture, map, or descriptive drawing, following a specific pattern.
Ability to express time and its fragment.
Describing a short chain of previous events depending on some words, those are provided for help.
Composing full sentences depending on related words to a specific concept.
Using greeting and excusing expressions.
Writing a short description for a person or a thing related to certain concept.
Writing short familiar sentences when dictated.
Writing words and expressions in clear hand writing.
Re-arranging sentences to compose a connected paragraph.


Queen Rania str. 364, Амман, Иордания

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Отсутствуют отзывы студентов для этой школы

Общая информация: Euroccl

Количество аудиторий: 7

Среднее количество студентов в аудитории: 6

Минимальный возраст студента: 18

Тест на определение уровня в первый день:

Расстояние от аэропорта: 40 km.

Ближайший аэропорт: Queen Alia Airport

Год открытия школы : 2011

Время работы школы: 8:00 - 8:00

Даты, когда школа закрыта: Показать

Информация для студентов

•We offer a team of highly qualified, experienced and caring teachers – some of the best educators in the field. The most of our Arabic Teachers are PhD holders and have made it their life’s work (at the University of Jordan or at the Damascus University) to teach and support learners, especially those who have language difficulties. And it shows in the way they work with the students and in the outstanding results we deliver.

Резюме Бронирования

Курс От 273,16 € в неделю
Дата начала Недели Студентов

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Правила и Условия: Euroccl

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Политика возврата

Отказа в выдаче визы

Другие правила

Full payment must be received by the Supplier School not less than 14 days before your Start Date. You will not be allowed to commence your Course if payment is not made by that time. Payment may be made by bank transfer, credit or debit card or in person to the Relevant Account. Additional charges may apply depending on the choice of payment medium and such charges are identified on the Price List.