Spark Spanish, Эль Пуэрто де Санта Мария, Испания

Общий Испанский + Разговорная практика 25 уроков в неделю

Название курса
Intensive Spanish
Часов курс
10:00 - 14:00
Дней курса
Пн, Вт, Ср, Чт, Пт
Административный сбор
25,00 € tooltip
Продолжительность занятия
Сертификат об окончании курса
Минимальный возраст
Среднее количество студентов в классе
Материалы курса

Уровни: Новичок, Элементарный - Уровень A1, Ниже Среднего - Уровень A2, Средний - Уровень B1, Выше Среднего - Уровень B2, Продвинутый - Уровень C1, Профессиональный - Уровень C2

This option combines our General Spanish with our individual class options to create a more intensive Spanish experience helping students to improve their Spanish at a more accelerated rate. On this course you will attend our group Spanish classes, which include: conversation topics, role plays, speaking activities, organised debates and general group and class discussions. Our group classes run daily from 10am until 2pm with a 15 minute break at 12pm. Individual classes then run after the lunch break and are tailored to fit your needs and will work on aspects of your language that need more improvement. Then an additional extra is our one on one conversation classes, which last four 90 minutes and work on improving your confidence and fluency. You can also sign up for our Social and Cultural activities programme which comes with every course and offers a daily activity. These activities include: Welcome drinks, Cooking classes, city visits, games evenings and Sherry and wine tasting. The classes take what you have learnt in class further and allow you to gain confidence and practice, whilst immersing yourself in the Spanish culture. This course also incorporates our Spanish learning booklet, which includes a number of challenges where you can win points which helps you to utilise your Spanish outside of the classroom.

Spark Spanish

Calle De Los Espadas, 6, Эль Пуэрто де Санта Мария, Испания

  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish
  • Spark Spanish

Отсутствуют отзывы студентов для этой школы

Общая информация: Spark Spanish

Количество аудиторий: 7

Среднее количество студентов в аудитории: 9

Минимальный возраст студента: 16

Тест на определение уровня в первый день:

Расстояние от аэропорта: 30 km.

Ближайший аэропорт: Jerez

Год открытия школы : 2010

Время работы школы: 9:30 - 20:30

Даты, когда школа закрыта: Показать


Послеурочные занятия/внеклассные семинары
Культурные поездки
Удобства для инвалидов
Зона приема пищи
Услуги факса
Бесплатный доступ в интернет
Интернет WIFI
Полиграфические услуги
Снэк машины
Социальные мероприятия
Студенческая комната
Читальный зал
Настольные игры
Чай / Кофе

Информация для студентов

•The school boasts teachers with many years of experience in the area of teaching and offers a range of different course to compliment any learning style. These include:

• General Spanish (20 group classes + 4 cultural activities)

• Intensive Spanish (20 group classes + 5 one to one classes + 4 cultural activities)

• DELE exam preparation (special 4 week programme preparing for DELE Exam in Oct/Nov and May)

• Special Language Holiday Packages (combining with key festivals like Flamenco Feria, or summer holidays)

• Demi Pair Programme (working with children whilst learning Spanish) Each Spanish Course includes 4 hours of Spanish class a day, which includes a 15 minute break, plus 4 cultural activities a week plus the other features mentioned above. There is a Cultural Events program, which is included in every course, where students can take part in 4 different cultural activities. These activities: help the students socialize with each other, learn about a part of Spanish culture, meet Spanish locals and all whilst they learn about the local area and practice the Spanish learned in class. Each week starts with the welcome drink where new and old students get to meet each other and all get to socialize with the Director of Studies and General Manager who always run the event. Tuesday is “Descubrir España” (Discover Spain) where students visit cool sites in the local town, or nearby towns, or get involved in a local cultural activity like dancing or local crafts. Wednesday is normally cooking class where students get to learn how to make Spanish cuisine in a fun competitive atmosphere where the Spanish teacher judges which group were the master chefs. Finally every Thursday we do our special “Español en Acción” event where students socially can only speak 100% Spanish for the entire event. The activity is always doing something cultural and students are prepared with language they would use and everyone who successfully manages to complete the event is awarded a certificate recognizing their achievement. Each student also receives a learner booklet which gives them fun challenges to do outside of the classroom and acts as a great motivation factor to help them make the most of their learning experience. Also we have a welcome presentation each Monday morning and a farewell ceremony every Friday. Free Wi-Fi is provided in our residence and free pickups are provided from the local airport or train station on Sunday between 16.30-23.30. The school offers a number of different options for accommodation, with the main one being the onsite cultural residence, where students get to live with their Spanish teachers (there is always minimum one stays full time in the residence) allowing for round the clock language improvement and students get to know the town from a local perspective and experience the true Spanish lifestyle and culture. The majority of the rooms are ensuite and available in a number of different price options. Other options include living with a host family or in a shared flat. At Spark we have a syllabus with 6 levels coinciding with the Common European Framework, although due to being a small personal school we will not have all levels running at one time which is why students must check their level and weeks to ensure they join the courses in the right weeks. We have an online level test to ensure this. Our average number of students per class is 3-5 students. Our maximum number of students per class is 9 but due to possible changes in level after the course has started it is possible on occasions this number may go up to 10 or 11, although this is extremely rare. All students must fill out our online level test in order to allow us to check and confirm availability for their level in a particular week. As part of our “no hidden costs” policy no additional payment, beyond the 25€ registration fee, exists for the purchasing of textbooks. All students will be given a textbook, even for a 1 week courses, and any long term students who go up a level will also be provided with a new textbook free of charge (please note most other Spanish centres will charge student separately for textbooks). We also operate a purchase back system for any in-date textbook (4€ per book) used on a course which is still in perfect condition and not written in that the students do not wish to take with them. All students will be provided with a course book that is in near perfect condition, although at times this might be a book that had been used by a previous student, but will never have been written in.

Резюме Бронирования

Курс От 219,14 € в неделю
Дата начала Недели Студентов

Общая цена:

Вы экономите  
Забронируйте языковой курс на и получите 5 % скидка!

LanguageBookings Гарантия лучшей цены
100% гарантия, что вы заплатите минимальную цену.
Исключительная Поддержка
Всякий раз, когда вы нуждаетесь в помощи, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки.
Ваш заказ 100% подтвержден!
Ни один из наших конкурентов не гарантирует ваше бронирование так ка мы.

Правила и Условия: Spark Spanish

- Банковские сборы оплачивает студентов
- Студенты должны быть 16 лет или более

Политика отмены

- Учащихся сборы не подлежат возврату.
- Регистрационный взнос не возвращается.
- Сбор за размещение бронирование не подлежит возврату.
- Не компенсации за сокращение продолжительности курса после оплаты.
- Нет возврата отмены после начала курса.
- После того, как курс начал там не возвращаются для любого размещения или другой элемент забронированы.
- Нет возврата обучение даны для опоздания, в случае раннего отъезда или отсутствия, по какой причине, от классов во время любого курса.

Политика возврата

- Бронирование может быть отменено до 3 недель до начала курса без штрафа или плату.

Отказа в выдаче визы

- Если не предоставлено въездную визу и школа сообщается о более чем дней до даты начала, будут применяться следующие обвинения:
- Регистрационный взнос

Другие правила

Accommodation runs from the Sunday before the course to Saturday at the end of the course. Arrival on Sunday is from 16.30-23.30 and departure on the Saturday before 12.00.

On the rare occasion a student, who has paid for a group class, ends up being the only student in a class the length of the course would be changed from the normal 4 hours (including 15 mins break) to 3 hours (including 15 mins break). This is to reflect the fact the student will naturally learn and progress quicker with one to one attention and also to take into the fact the student would be getting one to one attention when they had only paid for a group programme.

Cancellation Conditions Spark:

Spark reserves the right to modify or cancel totally or partially any course, activity or service provided and in this very unlikely event of happening, guarantees to inform the client immediately and offer them a full refund. Cancelling a course is a very unlikely occurrence but possible reasons for cancellations or modification of programmes could be:
Not reaching a minimum number of students which we believe is needed for the good or fun running of a course.
Weather conditions and factors outside of our control.