Turkish Language Course One to One 6

Babil International Language School , Анталья, Турция

Турецкий Один на Один 6 уроков в неделю

Название курса
Turkish Language Course One to One 6
Часов курс
09:00 - 19:00
Дней курса
Пн, Вт, Ср, Чт, Пт, Сб
Административный сбор
0,00 € tooltip
Продолжительность занятия
Сертификат об окончании курса
Минимальный возраст
Среднее количество студентов в классе
Материалы курса
60,02 € Обязательно и не включены tooltip

Уровни: Новичок, Элементарный - Уровень A1, Ниже Среднего - Уровень A2, Средний - Уровень B1, Выше Среднего - Уровень B2, Продвинутый - Уровень C1, Профессиональный - Уровень C2

This course is organized for the people who wants to learn Turkish online for different reasons. Maybe you are learning it as a hobby, you are working in Turkey, you want to retire here or you have a Turkish partner...After you book the course, we will send you the course materials and a level test. Then we will plan your lessons together. We charge 20 USD for high season fee between June-August. The book fee is per level.

With this course, you will have a native speaker teacher who will organize the classes based on your needs. We can also provide 4/6/10/20 lessons per week upon request. You will regularly get exams and a certificate.

Babil International Language School

balbey mahallesi cengiz toytunc caddesi bakirci hafiz ish no 42 kat 4 daire 26, Анталья, Турция

  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School
  • Babil International Language School

Ниже размещены обзоры студентов, которые учились в Babil International Language School
Они являются мнениями студентов, которые отображают их впечатления, когда они учились в этой школе, а не мнение LanguageBookings.com
Таким образом, вы получите представление о том, как хороша школа на самом деле.

Услуги 89%
Местоположение 96%
Развлечения 93%
Преподавание 97%

Отзывы Студентов о Babil International Language School

15 отзывы

Общая информация: Babil International Language School

Количество аудиторий: 3

Среднее количество студентов в аудитории: 6

Минимальный возраст студента: 5

Тест на определение уровня в первый день:

Расстояние от аэропорта: 15 km.

Ближайший аэропорт: Antalya

Год открытия школы : 2008

Время работы школы: 8:30 - 19:00

Даты, когда школа закрыта: Показать


Послеурочные занятия/внеклассные семинары
Аудио обучение
Автомобильная парковка
Компьютерная комната
Культурные поездки
Зона приема пищи
Услуги факса
Бесплатный доступ в интернет
Интернет WIFI
Полиграфические услуги
Материалы для самообучения
Снэк машины
Социальные мероприятия
Студенческая комната
Читальный зал
Настольные игры
Чай / Кофе

Аккредитации и знаки качества

Информация для студентов

•Lessons: The courses are from Monday to Friday, morning or afternoon. 1 group lesson is 50 minutes. 1 one


•one lesson is 60 minutes, if there are 2 or more classes at once then there will be 10 minutes break between the lessons. Minimum age for adult groups is 18. On the first day or before, we will provide a placement test and put you in a class where we think it fits with your abilities. Sometimes it is hard to put everyone in a group class with students at exactly same level, because of level differences in some schools/different subject studies/books/school programs etc. If you think the group level is not suitable for you, then there is always the option of private lessons. You will get a certificate of completion at the end of your course. In the beginner group courses, English is the language for explanations. We may provide French, German and Russian speaking teachers for group lessons depending on the demand. We can provide private lessons with an English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Arabic speaking teacher. We offer courses for different levels. If you are the only student in the group class, then we will provide private lessons (4 lessons per week) instead. Registration and Payment: We have to receive your passport copy, enrolment form and deposit payment of 100 $. After that we will send you a course confirmation and invoice. The rest of the fees must be paid 2 weeks before the course starts. For academic courses with a student visa, we charge a non

•refundable enrollment fee of 150 USD for notary, enrollment and post fees. Prices: Students are strongly advised to contact the school for price confirmation. All fees are subject to the foreign exchange rates. The prices quoted are correct at the time of publication and must only be used as a guide as they may be subject to change due to course and housing availability and exchange rate fluctuations. Additional charges may apply. Cancellation: Cancellations must be notified in writing to the school. If it is cancelled 3

•4 weeks before the course start, we deduct enrollment fee of 100 USD and refund the rest. If it is cancelled 2 weeks before the course start, 90% of the course and accommodation will be refunded. If it is cancelled 1 week before the course start, 80% of the course and accommodation will be refunded. Also for the cancellations less than a week before the course, the accommodation fees will not be refunded during busy summer months (June

•August). Delays and non

•arrivals must be notified as soon as possible. For cancellations due to visa rejections, a written notification and receipt of relevant supporting documentation must be presented to the school at least 10 days before the arrival date listed on the booking confirmation form. Upon receipt of relevant supporting documentation, 100% of the tuition, accommodation fees will be refunded excluding visa processing fee and bank charges. A cancellation fee equivalent to 1 week of accommodation and tuition will apply if we receive written evidence of visa rejection less than 10 days prior to the arrival date. In all cases, no refunds will be made after the arrival date/course start date listed on the booking confirmation form. In all cases, the express mail fee, accommodation placement fee, visa registration fee, bank transfer or credit card fees, differences due to currency exchange rate changes, and any other service charges are non

•refundable. Students who terminate their program may not be eligible to receive a certificate of completion or course fee refund. If you book a transfer, you must send the arrival details (flight company, flight number, arrival time) 1 week before the course start date. We will not provide the transfer if there are more than 2 hours of delay, the flight times must be between 08:00

•24:00. The school has the right to cancel the course 4 weeks before the course start date and will provide a full refund. Turkish Ministry of Education says, you can have a group course with 8 students minimum yet we have groups with fewer students. We have the right to change or cancel the courses, start dates, start time etc. and will duly inform the students. Long term courses start in Oct, Nov, Dec and January, if there are not enough students then we will provide private lessons of 4 lesson per week. One


•one lessons can only be cancelled one day before the class at the latest. Babil International Language School reserves the right to change information on the website and brochure without prior notice. Public Holidays: Our school is closed on public holidays in Turkey. In Turkey, we do not celebrate Christmas therefore, we do not have a holiday except Jan 1st, if the majority of students in the group want a break for one week during that period we will accommodate your requirements and we will not deduct this from your booking but will add those lessons you miss during the holiday. Health insurance: The students should have insurance for personal insurance, loss damage, emergency etc.

Резюме Бронирования

Курс От 138,66 € в неделю
Дата начала Недели Студентов

Общая цена:

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Ни один из наших конкурентов не гарантирует ваше бронирование так ка мы.

Правила и Условия: Babil International Language School

- Услуги должны быть оплачены в полном 14 дней до начала курса, дабы завершить учащихся и обеспечить себе место в курс и/или проживание.
- Заказы не подлежат.
- Банковские сборы оплачивает студентов

Политика отмены

- Отмена необходимо быть направлены в письменном виде в школе лицом, зарезервированный курс.
- Никаких изменений курса будет позволено сделать для возмещения в случае отмены курса.
- Депозит не подлежит возмещению.
- Учащихся сборы не подлежат возврату.
- Регистрационный взнос не возвращается.
- Сбор за размещение бронирование не подлежит возврату.
- Не компенсации за сокращение продолжительности курса после оплаты.
- Нет возврата отмены после начала курса.
- После того, как курс начал там не возвращаются для любого размещения или другой элемент забронированы.
- Нет возврата обучение даны для опоздания, в случае раннего отъезда или отсутствия, по какой причине, от классов во время любого курса.

Политика возврата

- Нет возврата даны для отмены вообще.

Отказа в выдаче визы

- В случае, если визы отказался студента, школа будет взимать 140 евро и остаток будет возвращен студенту после получения первоначального письма отказ VISA.

Другие правила

Please see our terms and conditions above, in info for students. 150 USD student visa handling fee is non-refundable.
Последнее бронирование для этой школы был от Чили и спас 8,25 €!