25-week + Work and Study Programmes for Students from outside the European Union

Waterford English Language Centres - WELC, Waterford, Ирландия

Общий Английский 15 уроков в неделю

Название курса
25-week + Work and Study Programmes for Students from outside the European Union
Часов курс
09:00 - 12:15
Дней курса
Пн, Вт, Ср, Чт, Пт
Административный сбор
0,00 € tooltip
Продолжительность занятия
Сертификат об окончании курса
Минимальный возраст
Среднее количество студентов в классе
Материалы курса

Квалификация: Международная Система Тестирования Английского Языка (IELTS)

Уровни: Ниже Среднего - Уровень A2, Средний - Уровень B1, Выше Среднего - Уровень B2

Study and work in Ireland.

Students from outside the European Union can apply for 25-week + Internationalisation register courses. These courses also allow students to be employed for up to a maximum of 20 hours a week during the course

Courses available all year round except December.

What do we do in the classes?
- Test each student when they arrive to put them in the most suitable level.
– Focus on General English.
– Use a core text book in each class.
– Use only English in the classroom.
– Practise Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills.
– Introduce and practise new Vocabulary and Grammar.
– Focus on language areas of specific interest or usefulness to students.
– Give a progress test each Friday to encourage students to study and to monitor their progress.

Please Note:

85%+ attendance is necessary to fulfill visa requirements and failure to attend class can result in expulsion from the school and cancellation of your visa.

All courses result in a mandatory external IELTS exam. All IR programme students must undertake to sit the exam.

It is important to be familiar with the terms and conditions (find the link at the bottom of this page) before applying for Internationalisation Register Courses.

For course outlines click here.

For information about fees and conditions, please contact the school at info@welc.ie or by phone +353(0)51 877288.

There are minimum language proficienty entry levels for each of these programmes, please contact us for further information.

If you have any questions about these courses please contact us.

The Irish Government are introducing changes to these programmes from Octuber 1st 2015.

Do I need a visa for these courses?
Yes you do.

Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

Washington Lodge, Waterford, Ирландия

  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
  • Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

Ниже размещены обзоры студентов, которые учились в Waterford English Language Centres - WELC
Они являются мнениями студентов, которые отображают их впечатления, когда они учились в этой школе, а не мнение LanguageBookings.com
Таким образом, вы получите представление о том, как хороша школа на самом деле.

Услуги 85%
Местоположение 90%
Развлечения 95%
Преподавание 90%

Отзывы Студентов о Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

4 отзывы

Общая информация: Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

Количество аудиторий: 5

Среднее количество студентов в аудитории: 6

Минимальный возраст студента: 18

Тест на определение уровня в первый день:

Расстояние от аэропорта: 125 km.

Ближайший аэропорт: Cork

Год открытия школы : 1967

Время работы школы: 9:00 - 18:30

Даты, когда школа закрыта: Показать


Послеурочные занятия/внеклассные семинары
Аудио обучение
Автомобильная парковка
Компьютерная комната
Культурные поездки
Зона приема пищи
Услуги факса
Бесплатный доступ в интернет
Интернет WIFI
Полиграфические услуги
Материалы для самообучения
Социальные мероприятия
Студенческая комната
Читальный зал
Настольные игры
Чай / Кофе

Аккредитации и знаки качества

Информация для студентов

•WHY WATERFORD? Waterford is one of the main cities in Ireland and therefore, it has all the usual facilities and services of a capital. Well

•situated and well

•communicated between Dublin and Cork, its location and features make it a special place to learn English. As the biggest city in the County of Waterford, it has prestigious schools and educational centres, not only at primary and secondary, but at higher level, with the benchmark WIT (Waterford Institute of Technology), which is renowned for innovation in IT, and for producing an exceptional calibre of students who will be future workers in the most important technological multinational companies, many of which have their European headquarters in Ireland (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Apple…) Waterford is a convenient and comfortable city of 45.000 inhabitants. It’s situated in the southeast of Ireland, close to the coast and it is the sunniest area in Ireland. Its economy is based in the service sector which makes the city more affordable than others and additionally, its people are friendly and welcoming. All these features create the perfect place for studying English and make Waterford totally different in respect to other bigger, overcrowded cities where learning English is more difficult because we cannot completely immerse ourselves in the language. You must complete our placement test and based on these results you will be placed with students of a similar level and ability. Some of our facilities at the centre include: 1. Peaceful Georgian building in a quiet cul de sac. 2. Bright Spacious classrooms. 3. Audio/Video equipment for use with academic and authentic materials. 4. Computer Room. 5. Wireless broadband throughout the school. 6. Communal coffee room/dining area. 7. Music room. 8. Garden. 9. Five

• minute walk to the city centre and many amenities. 10. Quiet study areas. Visa Requirements 1. Students from outside of the EU may require a study visa. 2. Before you apply for your visa, please fill in your application form and return it to us with the dates of study. You will receive confirmation of your course and an invoice of your payment. We will also provide you with a letter of acceptance which you will need for your visa application.

Резюме Бронирования

Курс От 177,84 € в неделю
Дата начала Недели Студентов

Общая цена:

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Ни один из наших конкурентов не гарантирует ваше бронирование так ка мы.

Правила и Условия: Waterford English Language Centres - WELC

- Услуги должны быть оплачены в полном 15 дней до начала курса, дабы завершить учащихся и обеспечить себе место в курс и/или проживание.
- Заказы не подлежат.
- Банковские сборы оплачивает студентов
- Студенты должны быть 17 лет или более

Политика отмены

- Отмена необходимо быть направлены в письменном виде в школе лицом, зарезервированный курс.
- Никаких изменений курса будет позволено сделать для возмещения в случае отмены курса.
- Депозит не подлежит возмещению.
- Регистрационный взнос не возвращается.
- Сбор за размещение бронирование не подлежит возврату.
- Нет возврата отмены после начала курса.

Политика возврата

- Нет возврата даны для отмены вообще.

Отказа в выдаче визы

- В случае, если визы отказался студента, школа будет взимать 250 евро и остаток будет возвращен студенту после получения первоначального письма отказ VISA.

Другие правила

Waterford English Language Centres reserves the right to change the details of its services, including courses, facilities and course dates where circumstances beyond the school’s / company’s control necessitate such changes or where the number of enrolments is not enough to operate a course viably. The right is also reserved to decline any person at any time without liability. WELC reserves the right to cancel any arrangements or bookings without prior notice if payment conditions are not met.
Последнее бронирование для этой школы был от Италия и спас 151,20 €!