Semester Course 6 months February

Mandarin Inn Chinese Language School Shanghai, Шанхай, Китай

Китайский + Активный отдых 20 уроков в неделю

Название курса
Semester Course 6 months February
Часов курс
09:30 - 12:45
Дней курса
Пн, Вт, Ср, Чт, Пт
Административный сбор
191,62 € tooltip
Продолжительность занятия
Сертификат об окончании курса
Минимальный возраст
Среднее количество студентов в классе
Материалы курса

Уровни: Новичок, Элементарный - Уровень A1

During this Semester course you will study at Shanghai Second Polytechnic university. Within half a year training, students will be taught in four aspects listening, speaking, character and grammar. We provide Student Visa and HSK application service for every student in this course.
For students who take up from 1 semester, we will introduce them an opportunity to work or do an internship in Shanghai.

Feature of program
• The most scientific curriculum: We design our curriculum according to four factors including different language level, learning hours, number of students and function of language in order to satisfy the requests of all the students.
• The most advanced textbook system: Our team will attend the latest and the most authoritative world class exhibitions of language textbooks every year. Therefore, we can constantly optimize our textbook system to keep pace with the times.
• The most professional service for customers: The 'Center Manager Charging System' enables us to collect feedbacks from our students and teachers throughout their studying and teaching. So we can solve various problems in time in order to reach the optimal effect.
• The most convenient location: Our 2 training centers are in downtown Shanghai near the Subway.
• The best way to get your career started: We help you to access business networks and you can get in touch with Chinese working life by visiting a local company
• Full-established at the local university: take the chance to make new contacts
• Student Visa application
• Automatically HSK test application
• Certificate of University after finishing the Course

This course contains 320 lessons. Usually you will have 4 lessons every day, 5 days per week (mostly Monday - Friday).
The exact times will be settled in the first lesson, so can voice your preferences.

To study the most effective way you will have 2 to 4 different teachers in this course. Since every teacher has his own focus, this guarantees you will get fit in all training fields.

Mandarin Inn Chinese Language School Shanghai

1F, No. 1280 Huaihai M Rd., Шанхай, Китай

Отсутствуют отзывы студентов для этой школы

Общая информация: Mandarin Inn Chinese Language School Shanghai

Количество аудиторий: 10

Среднее количество студентов в аудитории: 5

Минимальный возраст студента: 18

Тест на определение уровня в первый день:

Расстояние от аэропорта: 20 km.

Ближайший аэропорт: Shanghai Hongqiao

Год открытия школы : 2008

Время работы школы: 9:00 - 21:00

Даты, когда школа закрыта: Показать

Информация для студентов

•Study at Mandarin Inn and improve your Mandarin skills fast. Have fun in our small classes of not more than 6 students! Our Language Center in Shanghai is located in the beautiful Former French Concession near the Subway. Our school is ideally suited for all kind of language training: You can not only specify the amount of lessons you will take but the time and date preferences, as well. And if you cannot attend class one day, your lessons are not lost: When you tell us in advance you can postpone the lessons. A popular program is our Semester Course in cooperation with Shanghai Second Polytechnic University. You will study half a day from Monday to Friday and have the afternoons free for exploring the city. At this program we provide China Study Visa for every student

• so you don't have to worry about applying.

Резюме Бронирования

Курс От 99,01 € в неделю
Дата начала Недели Студентов

Общая цена:

Вы экономите  
Забронируйте языковой курс на и получите 4 % скидка!

LanguageBookings Гарантия лучшей цены
100% гарантия, что вы заплатите минимальную цену.
Исключительная Поддержка
Всякий раз, когда вы нуждаетесь в помощи, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки.
Ваш заказ 100% подтвержден!
Ни один из наших конкурентов не гарантирует ваше бронирование так ка мы.

Правила и Условия: Mandarin Inn Chinese Language School Shanghai

Политика отмены

Политика возврата

Отказа в выдаче визы

Другие правила

School Schedules and Class Attendance
Class starts at the scheduled time and one lesson lasts 45 minutes. Two lessons will have a 5 minutes break in between.

Course - Cancellation & Changes Policy
1. No tuition refunds will be made after classes begin, regardless of the reason of the student's leave
2. For Group class the schedule is fix.
3. There is no refund for missing or remaining classes which are not finished in time due to students reason.