UNITER S.r.l. is a single-member limited liability company established in 1994 as the Federated Institution of UNI (originally: Ente Federato dell’UNI) for the service sector and, therefore, with the aim of contributing, through the standardization and certification of service, to a growth and an enhancement of the services related to tertiary.
UNITER, thanks to its many years of experience, promotes the certification of Energy Management Systems, addressing all types of companies / organizations as firmly believes in the economic and environmental benefits derived from it both for the individual and for the community.
Via Caffaro 4, Генуя, 12
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The Italian Language School for Foreigners A DOOR TO ITALY, established in 2002, was the first institution teaching Italian a... Подробнее »
Via Tibullo 16, Рим, 12
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STUDIOITALIA является Школа итальянского языка для иностранцев, основанн... Подробнее »
Via M.C. Tomasini 5, Сицилия, 12
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Solemar Academy is a school based in Cefalu just 300m from the beach. The school has 4 big rooms and has been recently renova... Подробнее »
Via San Giovanni alle Catacombe, 7, Siracusa, 12
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Итальянская Академия, основанная в 1984 году, специализируется на пре... Подробнее »
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