IHWO - International House World Organisation

IHWO - International House World Organisation

What do we do?

The International House World Organisation (IHWO) is one of the largest and oldest groups of language schools in the world. Founded in 1953, we are a global network of over 150 affiliated private language schools in 52 countries, spanning every continent.

  • Our schools teach English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Arabic and a wide variety of other languages and are all independently owned and run.
  • Quality is at the core of everything we do. Only schools that meet our exceptional quality standards are allowed to use the International House brand.
  • International House pioneered Teacher Training programmes for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and our courses and centres remain some of the most sought after in the industry with training for other languages too.
  • International House teachers write the course books. Many of the course books used today by ELT teachers are written by teaching experts trained by International House. These include Headway, Cutting Edge, Language To Go, Natural Grammar and Fountain.

The International House World Organisation operates in four key areas:

  • We publicise our member schools to students
  • We provide teacher training
  • We organise events to publicise our member schools to agents
  • We set industry standards in quality language teaching

Why do schools join?

Schools affiliate to International House to prove their dedication to quality teaching, facilities and student care.

Commitment to quality

All schools are inspected prior to affiliation and if they do not meet our exacting quality standards they cannot use the International House brand. This ensures that International House remains a name that both students and teachers can trust.


International House affiliates benefit from idea sharing and networking opportunities within the organisation and beyond. They are invited to International House conferences, events and workshops and have access to a wealth of shared teaching, management and publicity materials.

Список школ

Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

Queen Rania Street, Амман, 90 Показать Карту

Ali Baba International Center is located in the heart of Amman; the beautiful capital of Jordan. It was established in 200... Подробнее »

Collegium Palatinum - IH Heidelberg

Bergstrasse 106, Гейдельберг, 16 Показать Карту

Школа, основанная в 1958 году, предлагает различные типы качества курс... Подробнее »

French in Normandy - International House Rouen

26 bis rue Valmont de Bomare, Руан, 17 Показать Карту

Семья запустить & проголосовали звезда французской школы за 5 лет по... Подробнее »

International House Bangkok

7th Floor, Silom 64 Building, Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangkok, 54 Показать Карту

Our main school, which opened 18 years ago, is IH Bangkok. It is conveniently located in the heart of Bangkok and is ideally ... Подробнее »


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Complete guide for language study travel abroad Где учиться за рубежом?
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Как максимально эффективно использовать ваше время обучения за рубежом?
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