Ditals - Ditals

Ditals - Ditals

The cultural DITALS is a title awarded by the University for Foreigners of Siena, which evaluates the theoretical and practical training in the field of teaching Italian to foreigners and certify two different levels of expertise in linguistics: DITALS Level I (PRE-DITALS ) and DITALS Level II.

The DITALS has as its goal to test the competence of the teacher of Italian as a foreign language teaching and was created to give a response to a specific request to certify international reliably and scientifically founded the competence of a teacher of Italian language teaching.

Its validity depends on the legal systems of the States and of individual institutions; in many cases is already considered an essential title in the recruitment of teachers of Italian for foreigners or is assessed for the award of the shots of career and economic incentives.

Some universities also take account of the score reported in DITALS for the achievement of the Master in Italian or equate his overcoming a certain number of "credits" as part of the graduation reception reserved for in-service teachers

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