Расстояние от школы: 5 минут пешком
Услуги: Круглосуточная Стойка Регистрации, Кондиционер, Постельное белье, Кабельное ТВ, Автомобильная парковка, CD-плеер, Центральное местоположение, Недалеко от местных достопримечательностей, Кухонное оборудование, Посудомоечная машина, DVD-плеер, Лифт, Ежедневная уборка не включена, Меблированная по самым высоким стандартам, Тренажерный зал, Отопление, Плита/Духовка и Вытяжка , Доступ в интернет, Утюг , Ключи предоставляются по прибытии, Кухня, Мини кухня, Прачечная, Телевизор ЖК/Плазменный/С плоским экраном, Еженедельная уборка, Микроволновая печь, Недалеко от школы, Кухня открытого плана, Телефон , Рядом общественный транспорт, Радио, Холодильник, Сейф, Спутниковое телевидение, Гостиная, Бассейн, Машина для приготовления Чая/Кофе, Полотенца, Телевизор, Услуга «Звонок-Будильник»/Будильник, Стиральная машина, Беспроводной (WIFI) Интернет, Рабочий стол
Open Hearts offers on-site residential accommodation option. The biggest advantage of this “accommodation option” is the fact that students can reside right here on Campus.
Our building is called the Four Ambassadors because there are 4 towers connected by a common lobby. The residence is located in Tower 4 [far right] while the school is next to it [Tower 3]. The students can enjoy an ocean view not only from their classroom but also from the comfort of their very own studio /apartment.
All the students have to do, is to get out of their room, take the elevator down to the lobby and come up to the school. After class, they can spend the afternoon around the pools, enjoying the sun and the occasional drink at the Blue Parrot Tropical Bar located between the pools.
OHLA Brickell Campus is located in the Four Ambassadors Building
Accommodation is offered in 2-bedroom apartments in shared occupation [2 or 3 students per room]
Each apartment includes 2 private bathrooms, a full kitchen, dining room, living room, TV, phone and ample storage space.
Twice a week “maid service” which includes general cleaning, new bed sheets, vacuuming, etc.,is provided. Laundry facilities are also found on site 24 hrs security.
On site amenities offered are; Beauty Salon, Coffee Shop, Dry Cleaning Services, Fitness Facility, 2 heated pools, Jacuzzi, Lounge and restaurants.